Entries by shanidar-admin

Crimes Against the Kurds (Book 2)

Crimes Against the Kurds Genocide in Iraq: The Anfal Campaign against the Kurds (Book 1) This series, to be published by Shanidar with the support of Kurdistan Chronicle, presents a harrowing, meticulously detailed account of the atrocities committed against the Kurdish population during the Anfal Campaign orchestrated by Saddam Hussein’s Ba’athist regime in the late 1980s. […]

Crimes Against the Kurds (Book 1)

Crimes Against the Kurds Genocide in Iraq: The Anfal Campaign against the Kurds (Book 1) This series, to be published by Shanidar with the support of Kurdistan Chronicle, offers a poignant and indispensable chronicle of the Kurdish people’s suffering and resilience, shedding light on the relentless persecution they have endured across multiple nations and decades. […]

Yazidis before the Arrival of ISIS

Unveiling the Yazidis: A Chronicle of History and Heritage By Aso Haji Before ISIS cast a shadow over the Yazidis, this ancient community was largely unknown to the world. The tragic events of August 2, 2014, however, brought their plight into sharp focus. That day, ISIS terrorists captured Shengal, leading to a genocide that targeted […]

Shanidar, we’re going to start

Shanidar was established as a publishing house on June 1, 2024, in Purmerend, the Netherlands. As an international publisher, it is equipped with all necessary legal resources and adheres to international publication standards. This commitment extends to upholding the rights of both authors and translators. Shanidar is a publishing house located in the city Purmerend, […]

The magazine “Kurdistan Chronicle”

From our partner (Kurdistan Chronicle) The magazine “Kurdistan Chronicle” will soon be published monthly on the Shanadar website. Contact us for free shipping to your address. About Kurdistan Chronicle Kurdistan Chronicle is a non-partisan monthly magazine in English, published in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq. Kurdistan Chronicle provides timely and informative coverage of news, politics, culture, history, business, and more. The […]